Ok, so were not physically under attack like in the movie Red Dawn where Russians invade the United States by sending in paratroopers. However, what we’re facing is just as dangerous if not more so, with what is infiltrating our church and more specifically, our youth. You are probably wondering what I am referring to, and that is the "love wins" mentality along with experiential books that are corrupting and polluting our minds. What are these books and what are you talking about? There are multitudes of books out there that I am referring to by authors such as Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Dan Kimball, Bill Dahl, and Tony Jones. This list could go on and on, and chances are you may own one of these books by either one of the above authors or by one I didn’t list. The question you need to ask yourself is: what is wrong with these books? While most of the books do promote a form of "godliness" and definitely are self-help, they are NOT rooted in the truths of the Bible. When books focus more on what truth is to us or are hinting that the Bible does not provide a clear cut black and white look on life, warning bells should be ringing! What I am describing to you is deconstructionism, the idea that there is no single meaning of a passage or a line of text. You may be involved with this already in a small group and don’t even realize it is happening. It would look something like this: "Let's read a passage from Scripture: Exodus 20: 1-17, the 10 Commandments." Your small group may read this, and then in a circle “discuss” what this means to you. Some may have the interpretation that murdering in the command, "Thou shalt not murder," literally means killing someone while the other may think something different. Instead of reading this passage as physical death, someone could say, "I don't believe it's murder if...." which leaves out the Bible as the moral guide. This statement now makes the reader interpret the Scripture to say what he/she wants it to say not what the author intended. The leader now fails to refer to 1 John 3:15 which states if you hate someone you have committed murder. Why wasn’t this brought up, why are people contextualizing the text to make it say what they want it to say? Well, this deconstructionism leads to the belief that there are no absolute truths, which means things are not black and white but grey. This deconstructionism is different for everyone and their beliefs. Contrary to the writings of the authors above, I am here to tell you that absolute truths do exist and to say otherwise is not Biblical, look at (Deuteronomy 32:4; Isaiah 65:16; John 1:17-18; John 14:6; John 15:26-27; Galatians 2:5).
I could go on and on pointing out specifics, but instead, let’s look at the correct way to approach Bible studies, small groups, and personal devotion time. The first thing to realize is that the Bible has only one correct interpretation, even though it may apply to several different instances. The deconstructionist would make the passage applicable to the reader, not the author. We need to be aware of the Post-Modern way of thinking (no truth) and consistently return to the Bible. Romans 1:21-22 says, “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Also, to refute the Post-Modern way of thinking lets also look at 1 Corinthians 3:19, "For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, 'He catches the wise in their craftiness.'” So now that you have an understanding of what deconstructionism is and this “emergent movement” as they like to call it, you should be on guard with your Bible in hand to back up what ever is being said/taught and if it isn’t in the Bible, it is foolishness.
I will continue to go on in this "Under Attack" series. We have an interview lined up with an overseas missionary, apologist, and Bible translator to get some more sound doctrine on what we are facing. Be sure to check back in a few days. God Bless.
Thank you for creating this blog. I cannot emphasize enough how important defense of the faith is. Postmodernism is the new and “hip” way of thinking that, when carefully thought out, has serious implications for both the believer and the non-believer. As you mentioned, it is even more frightening that a Christian would adhere to such a philosophy—if the Bible claims to be the ultimate Truth, yet there is no ultimate Truth, then what claim do we have to know anything? Furthermore, what is the point of evangelism and, for that matter the very existence of the Scriptures if truth and morality is relative? God would not have to have sent any kind of special revelation if, at the very end, all ways of thinking are equal.
ReplyDeleteAs I believe you’re trying to do here, Christians must be prepared to intellectually defend their faith. Realizing what Postmodernism is, and what it does, is essential to the defense of the believer. If we simply attack the Postmodernist, the Postmodernist can easily reply that his truth is relative to his own situation, and that our truth is relative to us. Learning ways to establish moral absolutes can be beneficial in this kind of defense of postmodernism.
I’ll be praying as you create this blog that God will use it and bless others through it, and others will be taught through it. The postmodernist thinking is creeping slowly, yet surely, into our faith. Experiential books are popping up everywhere, and with the sin nature being inclined to experience over God-given truth, I have even seen such books in Christian bookstores! It’s simply unthinkable that we have allowed ourselves to become so intellectually shallow that as Christians, we focus on the emotions involved in worship rather than loving God with our entire mind, as He commanded. We need to constantly challenge each other, encouraging our intellectual development. Christianity has been reduced to feelings and emotions because we have allowed it to happen—after the Scopes trials, as J.P. Moreland discusses in “Love Your God With All Your Mind”, the concept of an intellectual Christian became nearly laughable, and the church as not helped those who seek to understand faith and how it works in the world.
I look forward to reading more!
DeleteThank you very much for your words of encouragement; you are right in your assumption of what direction I am trying to take this blog. The next few blog entries will be revolving around the emergent movement, and how it has infiltrated our churches, and youth. I hope you will continue to follow, and throw in your observations and additions as well!
In Him!
Great stuff. I too see many issues with the postmodern philosophies. Sadly, G.K. Chesterton spoke of the same things in Heretics and it's companion book, Orthodoxy, over a hundred years ago.
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you're interested in some good reading on the subject. It is dealt with in Ravi Zacharias' Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for the encouragement! Ravi Zacharias' is an amazing author and apologist and follow him and others closely! I will definitely look into that book, as I have yet to read it. One book that I completed sometime ago was Faith Undone - Roger Oakland. The sad thing is I found myself in a Church that I described above, and it took me a while to finally put my finger on what exactly was going on. This movement is so sneaky and sly it takes you by surprise, till next thing you know your in a "prayer room" surrounded by candles and incense "clearing your mind." Haha, I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.