1. Why "Claim Your Brain?"
Believe it or not, it actually took me a while to come up with a name for this blog. If I had to describe why I chose "claim your brain", it would have to be because not many people actually realize why they do the things they do or think the things they think. I was watching a show on the Discovery Channel in which they did experiments on people to see how they would react, and to see what their brain would do. In one instance, they placed an actor on the street looking up into a tree claiming to say he saw a snake. There is in fact, was no snake. After about 10 minutes of describing it, people who came to see what he was looking at actually claimed they could see it and were able to describe it down to the last detail...even on how its head moved! Later on, they told them saying there was no snake. When asked, "Why did you think there was?" they responded with, "I don't know, I just did."It is important, as a Christian to understand why you believe what you believe, not just because my father or parents believe it, but it needs to be real to you and where you find your identity. So Understanding these Biblical principles will allow you to always have an answer and defend your faith.
2. What is at Apologetics and how does it apply to my daily living?
Apologetics sounds and awfully like apologizing which is the assumption most people have when they hear that word. While this is amusing, that is not the meaning. Apologetics is derived from the Greek word apologia, which basically means to "speak in defense" and is the discipline of defending a position, which for us is our belief in Jesus Christ. We can use apologetics in our daily living by the way we act, and most importantly how we respond to topics brought up at College class, casual work conversation, and speaking with family members.
3. Is Apologetics necessary for the average Christian?
That is a good question, but a better way to look at is: what did Jesus and his disciples do for 3 years when they were with Jesus? Did they just sit in small groups with other believers? Or did they go out, preach and reach the lost, spreading the very message Jesus was preaching? For example, look at Galatians. Paul is defending the gospel from individuals who were questioning Jesus’ teaching and his fulfillment of the old covenant. So, if we are to model our lives after our Creator and to do as Jesus and his disciples did (and if we take the Great Commission seriously, Matthew 28:19-20) then I would say we should do this not out of obligation but out of obedience. So yes, apologetics is necessary for every Christian.
3. What Biblical references support Apologetics?
There are several verses throughout the Bible but these stand out the most to me.
Acts 22:1(ESV) –“Brothers and fathers, hear the defense that I now make before you”- Luke was saying this as he preached to a crowd
1 Corinthians 9:3 (ESV) – “This is my defense to those who would examine me.” –Paul speaking to the Church of Corinth in defense of his teachings
2 Corinthians 10:5-6 (ESV) – “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (6) being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” –Paul is again speaking in defense of his ministry.
Philippians 1:7 (ESV) – “It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.”- Paul gives instruction on our duties as believers
2 Timothy 4:16 (ESV) -"At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!” –Paul, writing in his second letter to Timothym explaining events that had transpired after he evangelized.
This next verse is the most commonly used one in support of Apologetics.
1 Peter 3:15 (ESV)- ..."always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect" – Peter giving instruction to believers who will suffer for righteousness’ sake
How will apologetics help me personally as a Believer?
When you desire to learn apologetics and begin studying it, your eyes will open to the Bible in a whole new, refreshing way. You will be reading the Bible not only to become a better Believer and Christ follower, but you will be reading this to begin applying Scripture to memory so you are able to speak intelligently to your unbelieving friends, co-workers, boss, or family members. A lot of Christians read the Bible as an obligatory check list or for personal enrichment. With apologetics in mind, you will want to read it because you will see how Jesus and the apostles shared their faith, and will help you model your “style” of faith sharing after them!
How will apologetics help me share my faith?
Ahh yes, this kind of piggy backs off of the above question! The art of apologetics will enhance your Scripture knowledge and also educate you on so many different philosophies, world religions, and other world views. By learning how to give a defense and going through books alongside the Bible, you will be able to speak intelligently to the atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Muslim, or Scientologist...the list goes on and on. How many times have you had a Jehovah witness come to your door trying to tell you about what they believe in and you are sitting there asking yourself, "I have no idea what these guys actually believe, are they referring to the same Jesus?" After you begin getting a foundation in apologetics, you will know what they actually mean and how drastically it differs with authentic Christianity. With apologetics, you will be able to respond intelligently and lovingly with grace.
4. How do I get started in Apologetics?
Congratulations, you
are already beginning your journey into apologetics by visiting this blog!
There are many resources out there and blogs like mine that help individuals.
The best thing to do is to go to your church and ask your pastor if your church
has a venue for apologetics or evangelism. He should be able to point you in
the right direction or ministry within the church to get involved in. Also
doing your own studying plays a key role. Check out our resource page with
links to other blogs, study sites, and our reading list.
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